🖧 Git-Vuln-Finder – Поиск потенциальных уязвимостей программного обеспечения в сообщениях Git Commit |

🖧 Git-Vuln-Finder – Поиск потенциальных уязвимостей программного обеспечения в сообщениях Git Commit

Поиск потенциальных уязвимостей программного обеспечения в сообщениях git commit.
Выходным форматом является JSON со связанным коммитом, который может содержать исправление, касающееся уязвимости программного обеспечения.
Поиск основан на наборе регулярных выражений только для сообщений фикса.
Если присутствуют идентификаторы CVE, они автоматически добавляются в вывод.


  • Python 3.6
  • GitPython
  • langdetect


usage: finder.py [-h] [-v] [-r R] [-o O] [-s S] [-p P] [-c] [-t]

Finding potential software vulnerabilities from git commit messages.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          increase output verbosity
  -r R        git repository to analyse
  -o O        Output format: [json]
  -s S        State of the commit found
  -p P        Matching pattern to use: [vulnpatterns, cryptopatterns,
              cpatterns] - the pattern 'all' is used to match all the patterns
              at once.
  -c          output only a list of the CVE pattern found in commit messages
              (disable by default)
  -t          Include tags matching a specific commit

More info: https://github.com/cve-search/git-vuln-finder


git-vuln-finder поставляется с 3 шаблонами по умолчанию, которые можно выбрать для поиска потенциальных уязвимостей, описанных в сообщениях фиксации, таких как:

  • vulnpatterns – это общая модель уязвимостей, особенно предназначенная для веб-приложений и общих сообщений о фиксах безопасности.
  • cryptopatterns – это шаблон уязвимости для криптографических ошибок, упомянутых в сообщениях фиксации.
  • cpatterns – это набор стандартных шаблонов уязвимостей, видимых для C / C ++ -подобных языков.

Пример частичного вывода из репозитория Curl git

python3 finder.py -r /home/adulau/git/curl | jq .
 "6df916d751e72fc9a1febc07bb59c4ddd886c043": {
    "message": "loadlibrary: Only load system DLLs from the system directorynnInspiration provided by: Daniel Stenberg and Ray SatironnBug: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20160530.htmlnnRef: Windows DLL hijacking with curl, CVE-2016-4802n",
    "language": "en",
    "commit-id": "6df916d751e72fc9a1febc07bb59c4ddd886c043",
    "summary": "loadlibrary: Only load system DLLs from the system directory",
    "stats": {
      "insertions": 180,
      "deletions": 8,
      "lines": 188,
      "files": 7
    "author": "Steve Holme",
    "author-email": "steve_holme@hotmail.com",
    "authored_date": 1464555460,
    "committed_date": 1464588867,
    "branches": [
    "pa   ttern-selected": "(?i)(denial of service |bXXEb|remote code execution|bopen redirect|OSVDB|bvuln|bCVEb |bXSSb|bReDoSb|bNVDb|malicious|x−frame−options|attack|cross site |exploit|malicious|directory traversal |bRCEb|bdosb|bXSRF b|bXSSb|clickjack|session.fixation|hijack|badvisory|binsecure |security |bcross−originb|unauthori[z|s]ed |infinite loop)",
    "pattern-matches": [
    "origin": "git@github.com:curl/curl.git",
    "origin-github-api": "https://api.github.com/repos/curl/curl/commits/6df916d751e72fc9a1febc07bb59c4ddd886c043",
    "tags": [],
    "cve": [
    "state": "cve-assigned"
  "c2b3f264cb5210f82bdc84a3b89250a611b68dd3": {
    "message": "CONNECT_ONLY: don't close connection on GSS 401/407 reponsesnnPreviously, connections were closed immediately before the user had anchance to extract the socket when the proxy required Ne   gotiatenauthentication.nnThis regression was brought in with the security fix in commitn79b9d5f1a42578fnnCloses #655n",
    "language": "en",
    "commit-id": "c2b3f264cb5210f82bdc84a3b89250a611b68dd3",
    "summary": "CONNECT_ONLY: don't close connection on GSS 401/407 reponses",
    "stats": {
      "insertions": 4,
      "deletions": 2,
      "lines": 6,
      "files": 1
    "author": "Marcel Raad",
    "author-email": "raad@teamviewer.com",
    "authored_date": 1455523116,
    "committed_date": 1461704516,
    "branches": [
    "pattern-selected": "(?i)(denial of service |bXXEb|remote code execution|bopen redirect|OSVDB|bvuln|bCVEb |bXSSb|bReDoSb|bNVDb|malicious|x−frame−options|attack|cross site |exploit|malicious|directory traversal |bRCEb|bdosb|bXSRF b|bXSSb|clickjack|session.fixation|hijack|badvisory|binsecure |security |bcross−origi   nb|unauthori[z|s]ed |infinite loop)",
    "pattern-matches": [
      "security "
    "origin": "git@github.com:curl/curl.git",
    "origin-github-api": "https://api.github.com/repos/curl/curl/commits/c2b3f264cb5210f82bdc84a3b89250a611b68dd3",
    "tags": [],
    "state": "under-review"

Извлечение идентификаторов CVE из сообщений git

  "98d132cf6a879faf0147aa83ea0c07ff326260ed": {
    "message": "Add a macro for testing assertion in both debug and production buildsnnIf we have an assert then in a debug build we want an abort() to occur.nIn a production build we wan
t the function to return an error.nnThis introduces a new macro to assist with that. The idea is to replacenexisting use of OPENSSL_assert() with this new macro. The problem withnOPENSSL
_assert() is that it aborts() on an assertion failure in both debugnand production builds. It should never be a library's decision to abort anprocess (we don't get to decide when to kill t
he life support machine ornthe nuclear reactor control system). Additionally if an attacker canncause a reachable assert to be hit then this can be a source of DoS attacksne.g. see CVE-20
17-3733, CVE-2015-0293, CVE-2011-4577 and CVE-2002-1568.nnReviewed-by: Tim Hudson <tjh@openssl.org>n(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/o   penssl/pull/3496)",
    "commit-id": "98d132cf6a879faf0147aa83ea0c07ff326260ed",
    "summary": "Add a macro for testing assertion in both debug and production builds",
    "stats": {
      "insertions": 18,
      "deletions": 0,
      "lines": 18,
      "files": 1
    "author": "Matt Caswell",
    "author-email": "matt@openssl.org",
    "authored_date": 1495182637,
    "committed_date": 1495457671,
    "branches": [
    "pattern-selected": "(?i)(denial of service |bXXEb|remote code execution|bopen redirect|OSVDB|bvuln|bCVEb |bXSSb|bReDoSb|bNVDb|malicious|x−frame−options|attack|cross site |ex
ploit|malicious|directory traversal |bRCEb|bdosb|bXSRF b|bXSSb|clickjack|session.fixation|hijack|badvisory|binsecure |security |bcross−originb|unauthori[z|s]ed |infinite loop)",
    "pattern-matches": [
    "cve": [
    "state": "cve-assigned"

Скачать Git-Vuln-Finder


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